Friday, October 17, 2008

When Love and Hate Collide

I finally got answer to what happens when love and hate collide – Utter Confusion.

Love can’t understand perspective of hate and hate can’t fathom philosophy of love. Both can’t understand each others viewpoint and what it results in is loads of confusion.

Hate thinks that her viewpoint is the smart one and love thinks that his way is benign. What they do not comprehend is that being smart is of no value to love and benignity is the synonym of stupidity to hate.

This utter confusion leads to silent animosity between them. Hate tries to hurt love because hurt is what she has known; not realizing that love does not know hurt and the only power that hurts love is unspoken affection. Love tries to show affection to hate to make his point, which is completely lost on hate whose river of kindness and affection had run dry long ago. And the result is not animosity but even more confusion in the air.

If only love knew that it is pain and not longingness and hate knew that it is unspoken affection and not pain that could hurt the other; at least they could have fought and given a direction to their relationship. But love being love and hate being hate can’t change their nature and hence they have been colliding since time immemorial. And their argument never ends…

ps: replacing love with simplicity and hate with smartness in the ramblings above hardly changes anything